Mulpha Vendor Data Management Policy
This memo is to reiterate Mulpha’s Vendor Data Management Policy and the creditor/supplier onboarding processes that support adherence to this policy.
This memo is to supersede the payment policy set up before this date.
Mulpha is committed to ensuring coordinated and consistent management of its vendors and suppliers’ data as stored and updated within our ERP system.
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this Vendor Data Management Policy is to provide written guidelines surrounding the protocols of managing new and existing vendor/supplier information, ensuring that Mulpha maintains accurate and complete records. Further, the aim of ensuring the accuracy and completeness of vendor information will allow Mulpha to meet its obligation and ongoing administration functions.
1.2 Scope
This policy applies to all vendor data maintained within Mulpha’s ERP system. Further, the scope of policy and specific process protocols, as maintained by Mulpha’s Finance department apply to all Finance staff within Mulpha’s Australia and Malaysia operations. Furthermore, this policy applies to all vendors and suppliers.
1.3 Policy
1.3.1 New Vendor onboarding
No new vendor will be onboarded into Mulpha’s ERP system without an independent call-back process conducted and documented. Domestic (Australia) vendors are to onboard using the eftSure platform (our contracted vendor certification provider). A request form can be found below:-
Request a New Supplier.docx
Further, for non-domestic (International) vendors, internal checks must be conducted and documented. Please find the relevant SOP and forms here:-
Request for New Creditor (Foreign, Exempted, Domestic (non eftsure)).docx
1.3.2 Changes to Existing Vendor Data
Any vendor requesting banking details changes to their existing data maintained for the purpose of vendor payment within Mulpha’s ERP system is to send the request to:-
The process of changing banking details will go through the same verification process as new vendor onboarding using the eftSure as denoted in 1.3.1 above. For the purposes of ensuring no fraudulent payments are made, the Company’s position is to default change requests is to go through the same rigor of validating banking details (and other critical information).
1.3.3 Vendor Payment terms
Mulpha default vendor terms are 30 days with an exception for Hospitality vendors with the ability to select 30, 21, 14 and 7 day terms.
1.4 Roles and Responsibilities
1.4.1 Employees
All Finance staff are responsible for following this policy and for working with vendors in a professional and ethical manner.
1.4.2 Management
Management is responsible for ensuring that this policy is implemented and followed. They are also responsible for addressing any issues or concerns that arise in relation to vendor management.
1.5. Policy Review
This policy will be reviewed, as deemed required by Finance leadership, to ensure it remains relevant and effective.
1.6. Exceptions
Any exceptions to this policy must be approved, in writing, by the CEO or CFO.
1.7. Enforcement
Any exceptions to this policy must be approved, in writing, by the CEO or CFO.
2. Controls Reducing Duplication of Payments
In order to reduce the risk of duplicate payments, it is important that:
a) Invoices must be addressed to the payer entity
Mulpha policy is that no payment is to be made on behalf of other entities across the overarching group. This must be strictly adhered to unless a valid reason is given and is subject to the approval of the GFC or CFO.
b) No splitting of invoices to various entities based on a single invoice
Splitting invoices may be a convenient way for a department to distribute costs, but doing so can circumvent duplicate voucher-checking controls. In this case that the original invoices may be processed again for their full amount, thus the duplicate control would be negated and increasing the likelihood the invoice would be improperly paid.
For the sake of clarity, the practice of splitting invoices is not allowed.